Government Secrets Posted on April 18th, 2011 by

Is Wikileaks a peace or war media?  Peace media is defined as promoting fair conditions of life or presenting issues fairly, which I believe accurately represents the goals of Wikileaks.  Their goal is to bring governmental information to the public.  While I understand the need for some governmental information to remain private, such as troop locations, or the most efficient way to build a nuclear bomb, it is also essential that governments are able to share information with the public, and to be held accountable for their words and actions.  In class Thursday, someone (I forget who) brought up an interesting thought: “If you aren’t willing to let the world read what you say, why would you say it?”  Governments need to be able to present information to the public without fear of the repercussions.  Governments need to be open and willing to share information that would not put their citizens at risk.  If they do not do this, then their citizens and other governments may lose faith and trust in them, which may lead to their downfall.  Wikileaks is attempting to fix the gap between a government and its people, despite the fact that it occasionally crosses the line and goes a step too far.


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