‘PCS 211’ CategoryPage 3

What is “Justice” Anyway?

Everybody wishes there was more justice in the world. Nobody wants to go to bed hungry or afraid or uncertain of his or her circumstances in the morning. Nobody likes to see widespread suffering plastered over the evening news or face the overwhelming helplessness that will probably flood in. But if we don’t like seeing […]

Our culture and violence

Throughout history we have seen both ends of the spectrum between actions that have been violent and ones that have not. To say that each person is capable of violence is a major assumption to be made but at the same time it is difficult to refute. How much can a single person take? It […]

Given Human Nature, Is Violence Inevitable?

This gets at the core question of are humans naturally good or evil? And if humans are capable of evil, then does their capacity for evil mean that violence will always, naturally be present in our world? I can honestly say I hope that is not the case. As a Psychology major I have often […]

Given Human Nature, is Violence Inevitable?

Violence is only inevitable when there is reason for it to be. Violence, warfare, and aggression have become so engrained within our society that it has become an inevitable.  If we were to be able to revert to a clean slate, we could possibly avoid warfare all together by establishing necessary institutions for conflict resolutions.  […]