‘PCS 211’ CategoryPage 2

Eliminate bullying and Create Peace

Can Education Bring Peace? The question almost sounds leading. If education cannot bring peace then what can? As a child I was bullied in elementary and middle school. The experience of being bullied was traumatic to my childhood. I was constantly made fun of because of my size, height, and skin completion. I spent elementary […]

Education is Peace

Education is, in one word, peace.   This comment is sure to garner disagreement, but the basic premise is one that is defensible. If I know what peace is, and I am educated in the ways to go about achieving it, then peace is within my grasp. If, however, I am unable or unwilling to […]

Our Universal Capacity For Peace

Are women more peaceful than men? My inner feminist wants to scream, “NO!” I have an internal knee jerk reaction every time this question is asked, because I worry about the effect the answer, “yes,” has on women. I think it locks them in gender roles and does not allow them to explore their full […]

Who is more peaceful?

Are women more peaceful than men? After thinking of many different ways to respond to this question, it still, like many other questions in this field, seems empirically unanswerable. It can be proved one way, critiqued, proved over, critiqued again, and the cycle continues. Great for debate, but highly unlikely to ever be agreed upon […]

A Role for the U.N. in Libya

For those of you who, like myself until recently, have  not had time lately to check the news, there is currently a revolution in Libya against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the military dictator who has held power there for the past forty-one years. The Libyan revolution brings up some difficult questions of peace studies: where should […]

Both sides have a point.

Ideally I would love to say that pacifism is the answer to all the worlds problems. I would love to say, that conflicts could be resolved without violence. But in some situations, pacifism may not be the answer. I believe the human race is still has a lot to learn and someday pacifistic ideals will be practiced by all. But for now I […]

Is it possible to define a just war?

Just War: A military action that is justified as being permissible for legal or moral reasons; also called just war theory, just war tradition. (Dictionary.com) The Just War theory definition provides me with some very interesting thought. Within this theory, it states that there needs to be a moral reason, or a person must have […]

Is it ever “Just” War?

I’ve grown up hearing about the consequences of war. S**t happens, apparently, and we’re supposed to accept it as part of the package. Concepts like “collateral damage” come up a lot whenever war gets discussed, and they get blown off. I’m not satisfied with that, though. I think casual acceptance, especially on a societal scale, […]

Sudden death not so peaceful

These first few weeks of class we have been focusing a lot on violence, or the lack of violence, and peace.  After this week, I think that it is fair to say that there is a much larger spectrum of peace than simply trying to prevent violent acts from occurring. On Thursday evening, a 16-year-old […]

Activism in the Age of Social Networking

In light of the events happening in Egypt and amidst the ever-growing popularity of social networking sites like Facebook, I find this article in the New Yorker to be very relevant: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2010/10/04/101004fa_fact_gladwell?currentPage=1 Gladwell begins with a vivid account of the Greensboro sit-ins of 1960; the stir it caused and the way in which it sparked […]